Member-only story
Rare Things
A list poem written after Sei Shōnagon

people who return your pen. especially, when you are a banker and a customer returns your borrowed pen / people who return books. treasure their friendship, I tell you / pens that don’t stain your palms / you’re really stressed out and someone plays your favourite song, even though you haven’t spoken about it to them / a perfect circle drawn in freehand / a person with same moon sign and sun sign /poems, amidst ambiguous scribblings, on the walls of a temple / when you give food in a container to your neighbour, and they return the container with a dish prepared by them / two airplanes crashing into one another / the beginning of a rainbow / a person writing on a typewriter / barbie dolls of the 90s / meeting strangers who appeared in your dreams / finding out where and when you have experienced the déjà vu before / sweet-tasting oranges.
©Kavya Janani. U
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