Member-only story
Tonight The Moon
A triolet poem

Tonight, the moon hid behind the trees,
wishing to get away from me.
I could glance only through the leaves.
Tonight, the moon hid behind the trees,
putting my thirsty soul at unease.
Only a sliver of it I could see.
Tonight, the moon hid behind the trees,
wishing to get away from me.
©Kavya Janani. U
About the form: The triolet is a short poem of eight lines with only two rhymes used throughout. The requirements of this fixed form are straightforward: the first line is repeated in the fourth and seventh lines; the second line is repeated in the final line; and only the first two end-words are used to complete the tight rhyme scheme. Thus, the poet writes only five original lines, giving the triolet a deceptively simple appearance: ABaAabAB, where capital letters indicate repeated lines. (Source:
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